Tropical's Robot Tractor for Agriculture, New Holland Factory - Belgium

Created on 18 May 2012 Category: Press


Last week, Tropical deployed its fuel cell systems in the context of an international joint R&D program (Rhea Research Project), in a prototype robotic, green tech-powered tractor for agricultural applications.

Full Title: Robot Fleets for Highly Effective Agriculture and Forestry Management Participants

Participants: Tropical S.A. (Greece), Spanish National Research Council – CSIC (Spain), CogVis (Austria),

Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (Austria), CM srl (Italy), University of Pisa (Italy), University Complutense of Madrid (Spain),

Soluciones Agrícolas de Precisión, UPM (Spain), AirRobot (Germany), University of Firenze (Italy), Bluebotics (Switzerland),

Research Group Cemagref (France), Case New Holland (France), Cyberbotics (Switzerland).



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George Lagios, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.