Fuel Cell System for power generation using Methanol as fuel (ΣΠ-Ε 25)


Design and development of a 500W PEM Fuel Cell Stack capable of operating with gaseous hydrogen which has been produced from Methanol reforming. During the project two different stacks designed and developed - a low temperature (70 - 90oC) as well as a high temperature (150 - 180oC) PEM Fuel Cell Stack - including Membrane Electrode Assembly's (MEA's), Flexible Graphite Bipolar Plates, NaFion based materials concluded on testing and evaluating both options.

Participated Partners:
- Tropical S.A.
- Foundation of Research & Technology Hellas (FORTH)
- Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH)
- Frigoglass S.A.
- Germanos S.A.
- Sunlight S.A.